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Renaissance By Shane Conway



The Renaissance, from Ri- “again” and Nascere “be born’ is a cultural movement that  roughly in the 14th to the 17th century, beginning in Florence in the Late Middle ages and later spreading to the rest of Europe. The term is also used more loosely to refer to the historic time, but since the changes of the Renaissance were not uniform across Europe. The Renaissance began in Florence in italy in the 14th century.


There was lot of famous artists during this period. One famous one was Donatello. His full name Donato Di Niccolo Di Betto Bardi . He has a lot of famous pictures and sculptures , one of these famous ones is David .This sculpture is on show at bargello muesum in florence.File:David von Michelangelo.jpg

The most popular piece of art today of the renaissance would be the Mona Lisa.   

The theory that has been advanced is that the devastation caused by the Black death in Florence, which hit Europe between 1348 and 1350, resulted in a shift in the world view of people in 14th-century Italy. Italy was  badly hit by the plague .It has also been argued that the Black Death Afected Europe really Bad. However, this does not fully explain why the Renaissance occurred specifically in Italy in the 14th century.

The plague was carried by fleas on sailing vessels returning from the ports of Asia, spreading quickly due to lack of proper sanitation: the population of England, then about 4.2 million, lost 1.4 million people to the bubonic plague. Florence’s population was nearly halved in this disaster.

One response

  1. dat is unreal shane

    May 20, 2011 at 2:23 pm

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